The Basic Principles Of Ayurveda
There are three basic fundamental biological humours described by Ayurveda- The Vata, Pitta and Kapha also called the "tri-energies". These are the ones who are totally controlling the universe and are responsible for planetary movements (Vata), their formation and destruction (Pitta) and generation and maintenance of new life (Kapha). Same tri-energies are found inside every living being and are responsible for health and disease. Their balance is "health" or "harmony" whereas the imbalance is "disease" or "chaos".
These govern all the processes in all levels of our life. Vata governs all movement, Pitta all heat and transformation and Kapha all growth, structure and lubrication. Our diet, our behavior, the seasons, emotions and our life style all have impact on balance of tri energies. The main principal of healing in Ayurveda is to maintain the balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha by alteration in our lifestyle, our thoughts, our diet and understanding nature and through herbal medicines.
" समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः।
प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥
(सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०)
Samadosha samagnisch samadhatu malakriyah
Prasanna atma mana swastha iti abhidhiyate."
(According to ancient Ayurvedist Sushruta;An individual/person who is in a state of equilibrium of body’s; Doshas (humors), Agni (digestive fire), Dhatus (tissues), Malah kriya (Physiological functions of excretions etc.) and whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses) and Mana (Mind); all are happy, is considered as a Healthy individual.)
This definition of Health closely resembles to that given by World Health Organization (WHO). Thus Ayurveda has said thousands of years ago what WHO (World Health Organization) admits today.
It States That:-
- Having a balanced state of Doshas, Agni (digestive fire), Dhatus (tissues) and normal functioning of Mala (waste products), cheerful state of Atman (soul), sensory organs and mind are the symptoms of healthy life.
- If "Vata" gets out of balance, for instance, it leads to overactive mind, poor circulation, poor nerve conduction, loss of memory, irregular elimination & uncomfortable menses etc - all things related to movement.
- If "Pitta" is out of balance, we can get excessive digestive fire, resulting in heartburn, excess stomach acid, hot temper & inflammations etc -all things related to heat and digestion.
- If "Kapha" gets out of balance, it can lead to chronic congestion, weight gain, cellulite, cholesterol buildup, acne & oily skin etc - all things related to structure and lubrication.
- Herbs in synergistic combination, diet, routine & meditation etc are used to restore balance, to restore proper operation of the various systems & to restore health. Ayurveda does not focus on decreasing symptoms, it focuses on increasing health. Where there is health, there is no room for disease.
- Due to foreign invasions in India for hundreds of years, Ayurveda became fragmented and it on its comeback trail from around last 35 years. As a result of growing scientific verification at major research institutions, it is the worlds' fastest growing health care system.
- According to Ayurveda, the five elements (fire, earth, water, air & space) in their biological form combine to form these 3 energies in the body. These 3 basic energies are the primary life forces or biological humors, called doshas in Ayurveda - The Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They regulate physical functioning within our body, besides providing us with individual physical characteristics. The constitution of a person is primarily determined by the dominant dosha.
- It is such a unique combinations of doshas that no two persons are alike. The determination of constitution gives insight into deeper working, behavior, body type and with this it is possible to know which herbs, diet, medicines and activities will be suitable for a particular individual to maintain his health whole life. It also becomes easier to outline the disease tendencies of the different body types so that a preventive lifestyle may be observed. Accordingly, a person can plan diet and other routine activities affirming to his / her constitution. This individual constitution analysis is an important step to ascertain about types of diseases and to help a lot in maintenance of good health and prevention of diseases.
- Your predominant dosha could be any one of the three, a combination of any two or all the three in a balanced form.
Ayurveda Test To Identify Body Type(Prakriti Analyses)
Prakriti is your body constitution / Body type. It is some total of one's tridosha percentage (vata, pitta, kapha) in a body. It is the key determinant of how one individual is different from other.
Prakriti has been mentioned in details in Charak Samhita "Vimaan sthan" chapter 8. It is one of the most important investigation of ten investigations regarding patients (Dash vidh pareeksha). Prakriti is very important diagnostic tool in Ayurveda.
Establishment Of Prakriti
According to Ayurvedic texts prakriti is established at conception, at the time of fusion of sperm and ovum. Prakriti remains same throughout the life of an individual. Factors Affecting The Formation Of Prakriti
- Prakriti of sperm
- Prakriti of ovum
- Prakriti of uterine cavity
- Diet of pregnant mother
- Time/season of conception
- Role of Panchmahabhuta
The "Tridosha" Principle For Determining Prakriti
The fundamental theory of Ayurveda is the "Tridosh" principle or the tri-energies theory. This can also be understood as combination of "panchbhutas" (Five Elements) into three doshas. These are biological or physiological and physical forces that cater to the metabolic functions and structural composition of our body. Kapha is responsible for anabolism. Pitta is responsible for metabolism. Vata is responsible for catabolism. The balance of these tri-energies is known as a state of health and their imbalance is disease. Anything which restores this balance is good for health. So specific diet, exercise, behavior or medicine can be recommended according to prakriti to restore this balance and provide health. The tri-energies are:
Tridosh |
Energy counterpart |
Elementary Composition |
Vata |
Kinetic energy |
Air + Ether |
Pitta |
Thermal energy |
Fire+ little quantity of water |
Kapha |
Potential energy |
Earth + Water |
Relationship Between Vata, Pitta, Kapha And 5 Elements
There is a reference from Charak Samhita sutra sthan chapter 1:44 (Deerghjiveetiya adhayaya)
सर्वदा सर्व भावनां सामन्यं वृद्धिकारणम्
ह्रास हेतुः विशेष श च प्रवृत्तिः उभय स्य तु
It states that all the tissues (sapta dhatu) in the body can be developed properly if these are nourished by the nutrients similar in nature to them e.g. shukra dhatu in body is nourished by regular intake of milk and ghee. Similarly lifestyle also affects dosha in the body like by strenuous exercise vata increases in body and by sitting for long hours kapha increases in body. This is a principle of similarity (samanyam).
Same principle is applicable to opposites like Tila oil massage (which has properties opposite to vata) in vataj disorder decreases vata. This is a principle of opposition (Vishesh).
To increase any dosha/dhatu in body we choose similar herbs/dietary regimens, while to decrease any dosha/dhatu in body we choose opposite herbs/dietary regimens.
Importance Of Knowing One's Prakriti
According to Ayurvedic texts prakriti tells us about the susceptibility of an individual to develop particular type of diseases throughout his lifetime. There is a beautiful example that if a vata type person develops vataj disorder then its prognosis is difficult. If kapha type or pitta type person develops similar vataj disease then the prognosis is better and disease is likely to be cured easily.
Prakriti Analysis by means of Tridoshas or Trienergies of body plays a very important role in diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Not only this but this Diagnostic tool also helps you to know about particular dietary regimens, herbs to avoid or to prefer. Prakriti Analysis helps us to maintain healthy life style as well.
Therefore Prakriti Is Important To Know
- Who I am? (On the basis of my vata, pitta, kapha constitution)
- What should I eat?
- What should I avoid?
- What should I eat in moderation?
- What should I eat occasionally?
- What should I follow in my life style?
Prakriti Analysis Test
Body Type Analysis Test!
# | Characteristics | Vata | Pitta | Kapha |
1 |
Body Frame |
Thin and Lean |
Moderate |
Strong physique |
2 |
Color of Hair |
Pale Brown |
Red or Brown |
Jet Black |
3 |
Type of Hair |
Dry and With Split Ends |
Normal, Thin, More Hair fall |
Greasy, Heavy |
4 |
Skin |
Dry, Rough |
Soft, More Sweating, Acne |
Moist, Greasy |
5 |
Complexion |
Dark, Blackish |
Pink to Red |
Glowing, White |
6 |
Body Weight |
Low, Difficult to Put on Weight |
Medium, Can Easily Lose or Gain Weight |
Overweight, Difficult to Lose Weight |
7 |
Size and Color of the Teeth |
Very Big or Very Small, Irregular, Blackish |
Medium Sized, Yellowish |
Large, Shinning White |
8 |
Nails |
Blackish, Small, Brittle |
Reddish, Small |
Pinkish, Big, Smooth |
9 |
Pace of Performing Work |
Fast, Always in Hurry |
Medium, Energetic |
Slow, Steady |
10 |
Mental Activity |
Quick, Restless |
Smart Intellect, Aggressive |
Calm, Stable |
11 |
Memory |
Short Term Bad |
Good Memory |
Long Term is Best |
12 |
Grasping Power |
Grasps Quickly but not Completely and Forgets Quickly |
Grasps Quickly but Completely and Have Good Memory |
Grasps Late and Retains for Longer Time |
13 |
Sleep Pattern |
Interrupted, Less |
Moderate |
Sleepy, Lazy |
14 |
Intolerance to Weather Conditions |
Aversion to Cold |
Aversion To Heat |
Aversion to Moist, Rainy and Cool Weather |
15 |
Reactions Under Adverse Situations |
Anxiety, Worry, Irritability |
Anger, Aggression |
Calm, Reclusive, Sometimes Depressive |
16 |
Mood |
Changes Quickly have Frequent Mood Swings |
Changes Slowly |
Stable Constant |
17 |
Eating Habit |
Eats Quickly Without Chewing Properly |
Eats at a Moderate Speed |
Chews Food Properly |
18 |
Hunger |
Irregular, Any Time |
Sudden Hunger Pangs, Sharp Hunger |
Can Skip any Meal Easily |
19 |
Body Temperature |
Less than Normal, Hands and Feet are Cold |
More than Normal, Face and Forehead Hot |
Normal, Hands and Feet Slightly Cold |
20 |
Joints |
Weak, Noise on Movement |
Healthy with Optimal Strength |
Heavy Weight Bearing |
21 |
Nature |
Timid, Jealous |
Egoistic, Fearless |
Forgiving, Grateful, Not Greedy |
22 |
Body Energy |
Becomes Low in Evening, Fatigues After Less Work |
Moderate, Gets Tired After Medium Work |
Excellent Energy Throughout Day Not Easily Fatigued |
23 |
Eyeball |
Unsteady, Fast Moving |
Moving Slowly |
Steady |
24 |
Quality of Voice |
Rough with Broken Words |
Fast, Commanding |
Soft and Deep |
25 |
Dreams |
Sky, Wind, Flying Objects and Confusion |
Fire, Light, Bright Colors, Violence |
Water Pools, Gardens and Good Relationships |
26 |
Social Relations |
Makes Less Friends Prefers Solitude |
Good No. of Friends |
Loves to Socialize. Relationships are Long Lasting |
27 |
Wealth |
Spends without Thinking Much |
Saves but Spends on Valuable Things |
Prefers More Savings |
28 |
Bowel Movements |
Dry, Hard, Blackish, Scanty Stools |
Soft, Yellowish, Loose Stools |
Heavy, Thick, Sticky Stools |
29 |
Walking Pace |
Quick, Fast with Long Steps |
Average, Steady |
Slow with Short Steps |
30 |
Communication Skills |
Fast, Irrelevant Talk, Speech not Clear |
Good Speaker with Genuine Argumentative Skills |
Authoritative, Firm and Little Speech |