Human Rights policy

Human Rights policy

Human Rights policy

Our Human Rights Policy establishes a foundation for managing our business in the entire country in accordance with high standards.

Child Labour

DHC TRADING INDIA;under no circumstances shall employees workers under the minimum age for work as specified by the local, state and National laws.

Working Hours

DHC TRADING INDIA complies with applicable local, state and national laws and industry standards on regular and overtime of working hours. All overtime work by employees is on voluntary basis.

Forced Labour

DHC TRADING INDIA does not engage itself in the use of indentured, slave, bonded, or other forced involuntary labour. Work is conducted on the basis of freely agreed and documented terms of employment.

Harassment and Violence

DHC TRADING INDIA treats its employees with dignity and is committed to provide a work environment that is free of verbal, physical, sexual, psychological or any other type of harassment.


DHC TRADING INDIA provides equality of opportunity and treatment to individuals without any regards to race, colour, religion, sex, age, national or social origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by law, unrelated to individuals ability to perform work.

Health and Safety

DHC TRADING INDIA is committed to have a work place and operations that are safe, healthy and environmentally sustainable, as specifically set forth in the "SHE" policy (Safety Health and Environment)


DHC TRADING INDIA pay wages, that meet or exceed the legal minimum standards, or appropriate prevailing local industry standards. It also includes equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value.

Freedom of Association

DHC TRADING INDIA recognizes and respects employee's right to freedom of peaceful association and collective bargaining. It also facilitates open communication and direct engagement between workers and management.